Trail Hunter
A shout out to all those who stoke our stoke—trail builders like Hylton Turvey of South Africa
“He builds because riding is also a part of his expression. It becomes this full picture where he doesn’t just build for other people to enjoy—he builds it because he also needs to express himself in that way through his riding.” – Fanie Kok, Hylly’s brother-in-law Matt Hunter went to South Africa to ride some local trails in Karkloof before moving on to the Drakensberg. What he found was a reminder of what a connection to homeland means and how people can express it, through the eyes of local trail builder, Hylton Turvey. The end result shows us all that the fruit of any trail builder’s devotion is a connection to the trail, the ride, and more stoke for riders to enjoy. NOTE: This video is a combination of multiple days riding in both Karkloof, on trails Hylly built, and footage of the crew exploring new trails together in the foothills of the Drakensberg.