Why Sponsor Trails Film
Trails Film World Tour screenings bring together communities, inspire action, and fundraise for local trail initiatives. Our generous sponsors allow us to minimize fees on hosts, providing the following benefits:
- supports the accessibility of the World Tour
- increases audience reach to share trail stories
- maximizes impact for local trail fundraising initiatives

Global Presenting Sponsors
Our leading opportunity — these sponsorship packages can be custom-tailored to meet your brand and outreach goals, maximizing your exposure throughout our Trails Film Premiere Event and World Tour.
- Logo Placements
- Video Pre-Roll before films
- Table at Events
- Webpage Space
- Host Events
- And More...

Award Filmmakers
Sponsorship opportunities are available to provide cash and gear prizes for our award-winning and official selection filmmakers. Inquire about in-kind sponsorship for our filmmaker awards.

Continent Stewards
Focus your support where you call home. Each sponsorship is unique to meet the needs and goals of your organization.
Start a Conversation
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Our audience is full of influential outdoor recreation leaders from around the world. Join us to make a powerful impression and support a community of stewards of our planet’s cherished pathways.
See Your Logo Here