Building a $12MD Bike Trail | The Pike 29 Track

A video by the ‘Bush Walruses’ who worked through wind, rain, snow, and mud to build the Pike 29 Memorial of New Zealand.

The Pike 29 Memorial Track was built as a living memorial to the men who died in the 2010 Pike mining disaster. It was sculpted into the landscape by passionate mountain bikers and track builders and is a world-class first-of-its-kind mountain bike track which doubles and New Zealand’s 10th Great Walk. In this film, the Bush Walruses share the different methods and thought processes they used to design and build the track through the bush over three long years while exposed, battered and frost bitten by the elements on the West Coast of New Zealand. The team included track designer and digger operator Milty Coultas, explosives specialist and track shaper Tom Woodward, and tree fellers Logan and Felix. They cut the track through the bush over three long years while exposed, battered and frost bitten by the elements on the West Coast of New Zealand.

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The World Trails Film Festival is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purposes of The World Trails Film Festival must be made payable to “Fractured Atlas” only and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

A video by the ‘Bush Walruses’ who worked through wind, rain, snow, and mud to build the Pike 29 Memorial of New Zealand.
Filmmaker: Tom Woodward
2022 Films, Asia Pacific, Bikes, Film Catalogue, Short Features (10-39 min), Trail Building