The Privilege of Movement

Ultra runners Clyde Berning and Damien Schumann decide to run on behalf of all species that once followed an ancient elephant migration route in South Africa.

The greatest threat facing the planet today is fragmentation of landscape, which kills biodiversity, literally through inbreeding. The Eden to Addo Corridor Initiative is working to develop biodiversity corridors that link the three unfenced Mega Parks – The Addo Elephant, Baviaanskloof and Garden of Eden National Parks – so that all species of mammals, insects and plants alike can migrate as they have for centuries. Ultra runners Clyde Berning and Damien Schumann decided to utilise their Privilege of Movement in November 2020 to run on behalf of all species that once followed this ancient elephant migration route, in the hope to reunite the last remaining elephant in the Garden Route National Park with her herd in the Addo. Teamed up with a Biology Conservationist and an Expedition Doctor, their adventure made for an insightful, moving and sometimes comical experience.

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Ultra runners Clyde Berning and Damien Schumann decide to run on behalf of all species that once followed an ancient elephant migration route in South Africa.
Filmmaker: Damien Schumann & Clyde Berning
Nature, Running